Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Zealots got me!!!!!

These are the photos that brought me to this point. A photo blog of my fashion and BJD dolls. I won't do too much talking here as I would just like to keep it visual. I need to share the pictures I take of my small dolls... otherwise, why bother?

So here they are, the Halloween photos that upset the zealots (despite an ample warning) and subsequently caused me to start this photo blog.

Without further a-du:

I am so controversial!!! Blech!

little doll hugs,


  1. They only got you if you stay off the board. Your art is just that and as long as there is a warning, everyone else can suck it.

  2. Of course now that there are NO strings attached I'm highly anticipating what you come up with and I know you'd hate to disappoint anyone LOL. Go for it!!

  3. Lol...I loved them then and I love them now.
    What can I tell ya?!

